National Pool Lifeguard Qualification

Aspire run Royal Life Saving Society (RLSS) pool lifeguard courses at various times throughout the year. The cost of the course is £300. 

Pool Lifeguard requirements:

  • Candidates must be 16 years or over, physically fit, able to swim, and have good vision and hearing.
  • It is recommended that candidates can achieve at least 100 metres of continuous swimming on both front and back using a recognised stroke. In addition, candidates should be able to swim 50 metres within 60 seconds and submerge to a depth of 1.5 metres.

Next Curse date 

  • Monday 29th July - Saturday 3rd August

National Pool Lifeguard Qualification 2024


Swimming Teacher Courses

Aspire hosts both Level One and Level Two Swimming Teacher courses throughout the year.Institute of Swimming logo

Courses are bookable through the Institute of swimming.

For more information please email [email protected].

Level One Swimming Teacher courses - 2024 dates tbc

Level Two Swimming Teacher courses - 2024 dates tbc


Aspire run NRASTC qualifications throughout the year. For more information, please email [email protected].

National Rescue Award for Swimming Teachers and Coaches:

NRASTC enrolment form


Pool Plant Operators Qualification

Aspire hosts 3 Pool Plant Operator courses per year, run by the Institute of Swimming (IOS).

For more information on these courses, or to book a space please visit the IOS website.

2024 dates tbc
