Aspire Leisure Centre has achieved a ‘Very Good’ rating in a tough assessment by Sport England’s leading national quality scheme, Quest.
Quest is the best-known improvement programme within the leisure industry and its rigorous assessments challenge even the very best leisure centres in the UK.
In order to achieve Quest Plus, Aspire Leisure Centre went through a two-year process, with a mystery visit and two-day assessment in year one, and a second mystery visit and one-day review in year two. The team scored particularly well in the Fitness Suite, Health and Safety, as well as Quality Management System achieving an Excellent in these modules.
Dean Tearle – Centre Manager said: “We are very proud to be recognised as a “Very Good” centre. This is a fantastic achievement and a real team effort. Quest is much more than a tick-box exercise; it is an ongoing programme to improve our facility for both staff and customers, and a great way to demonstrate our achievements.”
Quest’s operations director, Caroline Constantine, said: “Quest Plus is a step up from the entry level Quest and as such it is a more demanding process. By meeting Quest’s high standards for excellent centres, Aspire Leisure Centre has shown its commitment to providing quality facilities and service to its customers. In these tough economic times it is more important than ever that local leisure facilities can demonstrate their value and Quest helps them do just that.”